Shot by Dehy
Feature | Supported |
Vanilla Photo Mode | No |
Hotsampling | Yes |
DSR | Yes |
Custom Aspect Ratios | Yes |
Reshade | Yes |
Ansel | No |
Graphics API | DirectX 11 |
- Camera tools by Otis_Inf
Features: Camera control, HUD toggle, timestop/gamespeed, hotsampling, custom lights, in-game dev console
Tips and Tricks
Get Reshade depth working
Reshade generic depth doesn't work out of the box. To fix it, go to the Add-ons tab, and under Generic Depth, filter by the following depth format: D32S8
Enable higher graphics settings
Make sure to head over to Options > Video and check "Unlock insane settings". This will allow you to enable significantly higher graphics settings (at a cost of framerate)
IGCS Dof settings
In order to get a sharp focus point while using IGCS Dof, make sure to set the frame wait time to Classic (slower) and set the number of frames to wait per frame to around 5, at least 3 will work but 5 just gives a better result.
Useful Links
- PC Gaming Wiki
- Suggested Mod (Nexus Mods)